Dit is de editie van EXIT Festival 2023 - Klik hier om naar de komende editie te gaan


Ultimate freedom and unlimited travelling to almost all places in Europe: buy an Interrail ticket and set off! With Interrail you can travel unlimited for a period of time through...

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Bus Transfer

EXIT bus transfers run from Belgrade and Budapest airports to Novi Sad. The buses run several times a day. This ticket is valid for both the outward and return journey.

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Bustransfer One Way

From the airports of Belgrade and Budapest there are EXIT bustransfers to Novi Sad and at the end of the festival back to the airports. The buses depart on different...

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VIP Transfer

The private VIP transfer brings you, on your own chosen time, from the airport of Belgrade directly to the festival or your hotel in Novi Sad. A maximum of 3...

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