Dit is de editie van Snowattack 2022 - Klik hier om naar de komende editie te gaan

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The most active party holiday ever!

In January heading to a festival AND a ski trip?All of this is possible at Snowattack 2022.

In January the next edition of Snowattack will find place. A week long you will find the best combination of an amazing ski trip and the best artists. This is something different then your normal ski trip. During Snowattack you will not only get a week full of fun in the snow, but also you will find new parties everyday and all sorts of activities. What do you think about the bikini & customs slide day, a Beerpong tournament, the Ollie Jam competition or the poker night?In januari vindt de volgende editie van Snowattack plaats. Een week lang de beste combinatie van een geweldige wintersport reis afgewisseld met de leukste artiesten. Een keer wat anders dan de normale wintersport vakanties. 

This ski area has 229km of slopes:

Green slopes 46km
Blue slopes 118km              
Red slopes 35km

Black slopes


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Lost Frequencies

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Alle Farben

Gianluca Vacchi