T62 Hotel****
With a stay in T62 hotel you are in the heart of Budapest. Within just a 15-minute walk to the Parliament Building and with Nyugati station just across the road. Don’t want to bring to many luggage with you? The hotel offers dry cleaning and laundry services. The double rooms feature a bathroom with a shower, telephone, satellite/cable TV, radio, comfortable double beds, Wifi and air conditioning for a pleasant stay.
Average rating: 9,2 ✓
- Free Wi-Fi
- Air conditioning
- TV
- 24-hour reception
- Sziget: 7,2 km (18 min. taxi/ 37 min. public transport)
- City center: 0,4 km
- Keleti train station (Sziget Express): 2,5 km
- Nearest metro station: 0,1 km ''Nyugati pályaudvar'
- Szimpla Kert Ruin Bar: 1.9 km
- Palatinus Strand Baths (Margid-sziget): 2,8 km
- Országház (parliament building): 1,1 km
Of course, we make sure that everyone can leave for Sziget with a safe and good feeling. In order to be well prepared on the road, we have the option of taking out insurance. What exactly you need in which scenario? You can find out here.
Cancellation policy
- Cancel before May 1st 2024: 100% of booking fee refunded (excluding service fee)
- Cancellation between May 1st and May 31st 2024: 75% of booking fee refunded (service fee not included)
- Cancel from June 1st 2024: 0% of booking fee return
Travel to Budapest
With Festival Travel you book your complete festival vacation: festival, accommodation and therefore also the journey to it. For Sziget Festival 2024 we offer several travel options: the Sziget Express, Interrail, festival buses and flights. Check all travel options for Sziget 2024 here.
More Info
T62 Hotel has just opened its doors recently in 2019, With its unique location it is the perfect spot to explore the city.
Go for a comfortable double room including free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and 24-hour front desk.
T62 Hotel - Double Room
Free WiFi
Air conditioning
24/7 reception
Excluding service fee