Flights to Lollapalooza

The fastest way to get to Germany is by airplane. From the UK there are several cities to go to Berlin, such as: London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin. From these airports there is a direct flight option.

Even though you can’t bring all the luggage (think of your tent) it is the fastest way to get to your destination.  Unfortunately, Festival Travel doesn’t offer direct flights to Lollapalooza. Working together with Kayak we can offer you the cheapest options.

Airports Berlijn

In less than 2.5 hours you can fly to Berlin Tegel, Brandenburg or Schönefeld. From the airport there are several ways to get to Lollapalooza. From each airport there are different ways to get to the festival. The easiest way is going in to Berlin and from there to the festival site


Germany is part of the European Union. For travelling to the European Union it is required to bring a passport when you travel to Germany.